Les 18 meilleures plantes pour votre chambre

Hello, my friend, hello again; today we come together to talk about The 18 Best Plants for Your Bedroom and hope the blog can help you.

La simple présence de certaines plantes dans votre chambre à coucher peut réellement vous aider à mieux dormir en purifiant l'air qui vous entoure. Ces frondes et fleurs sont parmi les meilleures options pour vous endormir au pays des rêves.

Houseplants are more than just decorative accents. These natural household helpers reduce carbon dioxide and dust levels, and they look great while doing it. Just pick one or two of the sleep-promoting candidates that follow, and see if a little bit of greenery by your bedside will give you a more restful night.

1. Lavande (Lavande espèces)

Lavande dans un vase dans la chambre à coucher
Photo: istockphoto.com

Lavender has been shown to reduce both blood pressure and heart rate. Placing a lavande plant next to your bed so you can inhale its soothing scent while you slumber could help promote a good night’s sleep—naturally. The plant is mildly toxic to pets, so place it carefully if you share your bedroom with a furry friend.

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2. Jasmine (Jasmin espèces)

Fleurs de jasmin blanc
Photo: istockphoto.com

Jasmin makes an attractive accent plant, but it’s more than just a pretty face. According to a German study, the scent of jasmin actually improves the quality of your sleep and increases your chances of waking up with a better attitude and less anxiety.

3. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum espèces)

Fleur de lys de la paix
Photo: istockphoto.com

Le lys de la paix is beloved for its graceful beauty and easy care requirements. Lys de la paix is also a good pick for the bedroom because it’s been shown to reduce the microbe count in your home’s air, which in turn can relieve allergie symptoms. And don’t you think that a little respite from wheezing, sniffling, and a dry, itchy throat will make for a better night’s sleep? To make that sleep even better, be sure to keep your peace lily out of the reach of pets and small children—its leaves and sap are mildly toxic.

4. Aloe Vera (Aloe vera)

Plante d'aloe vera en pot
Photo: istockphoto.com

Aloe vera has long been prized for its ability to heal burns and rashes, but it has one other secret health property: It promotes better air quality. According to research, aloe vera emits oxygen at night instead of during the day, giving the air around it a boost that could benefit your sleep. Plus, it’s tolerant of neglect, making it a good choice for houseplant newbies. And, as aloe vera can go longer between waterings than many other traditional houseplants, it’s a smart choice for forgetful growers. Note that while it’s beneficial for humans, aloe vera can be mildly toxic to pets.

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5. Valerian (Valeriana officinalis)

Plante à nombreuses fleurs blanches
Photo: istockphoto.com

Inhaling the sweet scent of valerian flowers, selon une étude, may help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. If you want to keep a valerian plant in your bedroom, be sure it will get at least 6 hours of sunlight a day—it needs full sun to stay healthy.

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6. English Ivy (Hedera helix)

Plante de lierre anglais suspendue
Photo: istockphoto.com

More commonly seen creeping up the facades of old brick buildings than resting on bedside tables, English ivy may seem like a strange choice for indoor gardeners, but there’s good reason to keep this ground cover in your bedroom. Ivy has been shown to drastically reduce the airborne mold in a room in just hours, which is great news for allergy sufferers in search of better sleep. If you need another reason, Lierre anglais is a forgiving plant that requires only moderate exposure to sunlight. Like many plants on this list, it’s moderately toxic to pets, so keep it well away from them.

EN RAPPORT: 7 Houseplants With Secret Health Benefits

7. Gerbera Daisies (Gerbera jamesonii)

Plante de fleurs roses en pot
Photo: istockphoto.com

Gerbera daisies bring cheerful color during the day, and at night they emit oxygen and absorb toxins and carbon dioxide from the air. These flowers have long been recommended for people who suffer from sleep apnea and allergies. Although marguerites gerberas require more maintenance than other sleep-promoting plants, the benefits they provide could make the extra care well worth it.

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8. Romarin (Sauge rosmarinus)

Plante de romarin en pot
Photo: istockphoto.com

Romarin has a strong, heady aroma that is known to reduce anxiety and stress, a quality that could make the hours you spend sleeping more peaceful and satisfying. If you keep romarin in your bedroom, it won’t be too inconvenient for you to snip a sprig or two for a recipe when you’re cooking dinner.

EN RAPPORT: Comment propager le romarin

9. Snake Plant (Dracaena trifasciata)

Plante serpent en pot
Photo: istockphoto.com

Whether you call it mother-in-law’s tongue or plante serpent, neither one sounds like something you want next to your bed as you drift off to sleep. However, its air-cleaning properties may make you reconsider. According to NASA’s 1989 Clean Air Study, plante serpent can help remove formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene from the air. What’s more, its tall, upward-growing leaves make for attractive decor, and short of overwatering it, it’s pretty hard to kill. Toxic to both cats and dogs, this is another one to keep out of reach of pets.

10. Plante araignée (Chlorophytum comosum)

Plante araignée en pot sur le rebord de la fenêtre
Photo: istockphoto.com

Like mother-in-law’s tongue, plante araignée is hardy and easy to maintain. It, too, improves indoor air quality by removing formaldehyde, cigarette smoke, ammonia, and benzene, among other pollutants, from the air we breathe. A 2014 study found that spider plants also accumulate particulate matter, further cleaning the air. It’s safe in households with pets and can live in either bright light or less sunny indoor spots. The plante araignée gets its name from the “spiderette” offshoots that hang from the main plant; occasional pruning will prevent the spider plant from becoming too unwieldy.

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11. Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea seifrizii)

Plante d'intérieur palmier bambou
Photo: istockphoto.com

Low-maintenance bamboo palms thrive outdoors in USDA zones 10 and 11. Indoors, they bring a tropical vibe to the bedroom and can reach 4 to 8 feet when mature. This plant is a great choice for a sleeping space because it filters toxins such as xylene, chloroform, monoxyde de carbone, and formaldehyde out of the air. Because it prefers indirect light to full sun, there’s no need to ditch your blackout curtains, either.

12. Gardenia (Gardénia jasminoides)

Grandes fleurs blanches dans un vase noir
Photo: istockphoto.com

Gardenias, or cape jasmine, need 6 to 8 hours of sunlight a day, so keep the curtains open and park this potted flower near a sunny bedroom window. One study found that this flower’s intoxicating smell had the same anxiety-reducing effects as some barbiturates; therefore, this might be a good bedroom addition for those who need a mood booster, or who have trouble sleeping. Keep in mind that, while beautiful, the plants are mildly toxic to pets.

EN RAPPORT: Comment faire pousser des gardénias

13. Areca Palm (Dypsis lutescens)

Plante de palmier en pot
Photo: istockphoto.com

Areca palm is a large potted palm that’s native to Madagascar, so it’s not surprising that it likes moist, humid conditions. Multiple cane-like stems grow from its base, topped by narrow, feathery fronds. As a houseplant, the palmier d'arec reaches a maximum height of about 10 feet and won’t flower. Studies show that areca palm can help mitigate indoor pollutants in the air you breathe.

14. Golden Pothos (Épipremnum aureum)

Photos de plantes d'intérieur dans un vase en forme de panier
Photo: istockphoto.com

Thanks to the way its leaves cascade over its growing container, pothos doré, also known as devil’s ivy, is a good choice for those who want to hang plants in the bedroom. Pothos can help remove pollutants such as benzene, toluene, and formaldehyde from the air, according to NASA’s Clean Air Study, and it increases air humidity—great for sleeping spaces with dry air. It’s moderately toxic to pets, so place it appropriately.

EN RAPPORT: Buyer’s Guide: The Best Soil for Pothos Plants

15. Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema espèces)

Grande plante feuillue dans un vase
Photo: istockphoto.com

Suitable for low-light conditions—and for those without a green thumb—Arbre à feuilles persistantes chinois is a terrific addition to a novice plant grower’s bedroom. According to NASA’s Clean Air Study, it removes benzene and formaldehyde from the air, and because it grows slowly, it’s usually small enough to keep on your nightstand. According to the ASPCA, this plant is toxic to pets—best steer clear and choose different bedroom plants if your animals sleep with you.

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16. Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)

Deux usines de caoutchouc
Photo: istockphoto.com

Le plante à caoutchouc is an excellent choice for a bedroom. Its lush green foliage adds natural beauty and serenity to any room, creating a calm and soothing atmosphere that can aid in relaxation. Additionally, the plante à caoutchouc is known to be an excellent air purifier, removing harmful toxins from the indoor environment. Like many other houseplants, rubber plants release oxygen during the nighttime, which can enhance oxygen levels in the room and create a more restful atmosphere.

17. Boston Fern (Néphrolepis exaltata)

Fougère de Boston en pot
Photo: istockphoto.com

Depuis Fougères de Boston thrive in higher humidity environments, they need to be kept moist, which can be a challenge in a bedroom. But if you give it enough humidity and light, a Boston fern will reward you with air-purifying properties and an exuberant mass of frilly leaves. Fougères de Boston have also been shown to absorb and soften ambient sounds in the bedroom, which can be useful if you live in a noisy neighborhood or have disruptive sounds in your surroundings.

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18. ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia)

Plante ZZ sur le rebord de la fenêtre
Photo: istockphoto.com

The low-maintenance Usine ZZ offre de nombreux avantages pour votre chambre à coucher. Tout d'abord, elle tolère les environnements peu éclairés, ce qui la rend parfaite pour les chambres à coucher qui reçoivent peu de lumière du soleil. De plus, comme plusieurs plantes de cette liste, Plantes ZZ s'accommodent bien d'un arrosage irrégulier, de sorte que même si vous êtes un peu distrait, la plante persévérera, libérant de l'oxygène dans la pièce et rafraîchissant l'espace malgré une négligence occasionnelle.

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