Les ustensiles de cuisine en métal peuvent-ils vraiment passer au lave-vaisselle ?

Hello, my friend, hello again; today we come together to talk about Can Metal Cookware Really Be Dishwasher-Safe? and hope the blog can help you.

Vous pourriez être surpris d’apprendre quels types d’ustensiles de cuisine sont mieux lavés à la main.

When compared with hand-washing, dishwashers save time, use less water, and offer higher levels of sanitation. While cleaning everything using a dishwasher seems like a dream, not all ustensiles de cuisine is dishwasher safe. In fact, in 2022, popular cookware brand All-Clad offered a settlement to customers after certain products that were labeled as dishwasher-safe ultimately developed sharp edges when cleaned in a dishwasher. Let’s explore which types of metal cookware are dishwasher-safe and which are better off being washed by hand in order to avoid damaging them.

Acier inoxydable

stainless steel cookware on pot rack
Photo: istockphoto.com

Acier inoxydable is one of the most popular cookware materials due to its versatility and performance, and—thankfully—it’s also dishwasher safe. Generally speaking, all stainless steel and multi-clad cookware can be cleaned in the dishwasher without issue. One potential concern, however, is the humidity level inside a dishwasher, which could cause warping over time. Those looking to be extra cautious should consider washing stainless steel cookware by hand instead.

EN RAPPORT: Les meilleures marques d'ustensiles de cuisine


anodized aluminum cookware on countertop
Photo: istockphoto.com

Uncoated aluminum cookware is softer than stainless steel, making it more prone to scratches and best washed by hand. Though hard-anodized cookware is much more durable, it, too, should only be hand-washed because many detergents can damage the protective aluminum-oxide coating.


nonstick pan on stove
Photo: istockphoto.com

Alors que certains ustensiles de cuisine antiadhésifs is designed to be dishwasher-safe, as a general rule, it’s best to hand-wash any pot or pan featuring a nonstick coating. These coatings can chip off or wear away when exposed to high heat in the dishwasher. Luckily, hand-washing nonstick pans is easy since food particles don’t stick to the surface.


cast iron cookware on rack
Photo: istockphoto.com

Cast iron cookware can last for generations but is famously finicky and requires special care. The first rule of owning a cast iron pan is that it should never go in the dishwasher. Not only will the high-temperature water of a dishwasher remove the pan’s seasoning, but it can also cause the material to rust over time.

EN RAPPORT: 12 Clever Solutions for Storing Pots and Pans


copper cookware hanging in kitchen
Photo: istockphoto.com

Copper pots and pans have a beautiful vintage look, but their shiny finish isn’t made to withstand the high heat used in a dishwasher. Copper may dull or tarnish when washed in a dishwasher, so it’s best to wash it by hand instead.

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