16 Types of Mulch for Landscaping and Gardening

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If you plan to insulate your soil with mulch before the seasons change, first learn which type of material best meets your needs.

Mulch can help your garden thrive, and keeps it looking more tidy. Virtually all types of mulch for landscaping can give planting beds an attractive, manicured, and well-maintained appearance. This gardening must-have also helps minimize weed growth and prevent soil compaction, and insulates sensitive plants from cold, heat, or drought.

“Mulches can provide an easy way for a homeowner to maintain higher levels of moisture in beds, and to a lesser extent inhibit weed growth,” explains Alan Burke, ASLA, landscape architect at The Outdoor Project Company. “Mulch provides a uniform surface that can visually integrate beds in the landscape. Mulches can also help maintain comfortable soil temperatures during extreme weather and can provide moderate amounts of nutrients,” says Burke.

Mulch comes in a wide variety of materials beyond the typical wood chip. But many mulch types share one basic purpose: improving soil conditions. Keep reading to discover the many organic and inorganic mulch options available and how they can benefit your garden.

What is mulch?

A tree is surrounded by mulch next to a sidewalk.
Photo: istockphoto.com

Mulch refers to a layer of material spread over the soil’s surface in gardens to act as a covering. It serves multiple purposes: acting as a protective barrier against erosion, conserving soil moisture by reducing evaporation, suppressing weed growth by blocking sunlight to weed seeds, moderating soil temperature fluctuations, and improving the look of garden beds.

What is mulch made of? “Mulch comes in different forms, from mineral mulches including gravel and sand mixes, to organic mulches made from compost or shredded leaves or arbor chips,” says Burke. “Synthetic mulches might include rubber or shredded tire material, and they are generally adverse to the environment.” On the other hand, organic mulch enriches the soil as it decomposes by adding nutrients and improving soil structure, fostering healthier plant growth and overall ecosystem vitality.

Benefits of Mulching

  • Suppresses weed growth by blocking sunlight and preventing weeds from germinating
  • Improves moisture retention by reducing evaporation from the soil surface
  • Controls soil temperature by serving as insulation and keeping the soil cooler in hot weather and warmer in cold weather
  • Prevents soil compaction by protecting it from being walked on by people and pets
  • Minimizes erosion by forming a protective layer over the soil from wind and water
  • Enriches soil as the organic material decomposes over time
  • Enhances aesthetics by adding a tidy or colorful appearance to landscaped areas
  • Can create a habitat for beneficial organisms, such as earthworms, which help improve soil health and fertility
  • Helps prevent spread of soil-borne diseases

How to Spread Mulch

Before applying mulch, determine how much mulch you need. Start by clearing the area of any weeds, rocks, or debris. Ensure that the soil is evenly moist before spreading the mulch. Spread a layer of mulch evenly over the soil surface, making sure to leave a small gap around the base of plants to prevent moisture-related issues. The depth of mulch can vary depending on the material used and the purpose of mulching. Generally, a layer of 2 to 4 inches of garden mulch is sufficient for most beds. However, coarser materials like wood chips or bark may require a deeper layer, while finer materials like compost or shredded leaves may need a thinner layer.

Do not pile mulch against plant stems or tree trunks, as this can lead to problems with insect or rodent infestation. Also, avoid over-mulching since mulch that is too deep can cause a buildup of excess moisture in the root zone, which can stress the plant and lead to root rot. Once applied, periodically check the mulch depth and replenish it as needed to maintain the desired thickness and reap the full benefits of mulching throughout the growing season.

When to Apply Mulch

A backyard's concrete patio is surrounded by a mulched garden or plants and large rocks.
Photo: istockphoto.com

The ideal time to apply mulch is typically in the spring, after the soil has warmed up and dried out enough to work with, but before the heat of summer sets in. This timing allows for optimal weed suppression and moisture retention during the growing season. However, mulch can also be applied in the fall to help insulate the soil and protect plant roots from freezing temperatures during the winter months.

As far as how often to replace mulch, organic varieties like wood will eventually degrade. It will most likely need to be replaced or topped off annually. On the other hand, inorganic mulches like gravel can last years—even over a decade.

Organic vs. Inorganic Mulches

Organic mulches are made from materials that decompose over time. Examples include hardwood and softwood chips, bark, evergreen needles, leaves, grass clippings, compost mixes, newspaper, cardboard, and a variety of other plant byproducts. They work best for homeowners who want to give their lawn a nutrient boost.

Because organic mulches decompose, they must be replenished regularly, which can be a drawback. However, they tend to be less expensive than inorganic varieties.

Inorganic mulches do not decompose, but can be better for controlling weeds, enhancing a yard’s appearance, and saving time, since they do not need to be replenished often, if ever. Options include rock, stone, lava rock, crusher dust, pulverized rubber, landscape fabrics, and other human-made materials. Because rocks and stones absorb and reflect heat, they have the advantage of warming the soil for early spring planting of fruits and vegetables, but can be detrimental to plants during periods of hot, dry weather.

Types of Mulch

When you’ve decided you’re ready to start enjoying the numerous benefits of mulch, you’re not limited to just the standard by-the-bag chips from home improvement centers—you have options! Select from the many different types of mulch based on local availability, cost, appearance, quality, benefits to soil, and durability. Evaluate the organic and inorganic options below that work best for your landscape.

Organic Mulches

Organic mulches are natural materials that break down in the soil. In the short term, they offer benefits of mulch for beds, and over time, they can improve soil fertility, aeration, structure, and drainage.

Wood Chips, Nuggets, or Bark

A green plant is surrounded by bark mulch.
Photo: istockphoto.com

Both hardwood and softwood bark, chips, and nuggets—byproducts of the lumber and paper industries—are typically aged and dried, and sometimes even dyed red or black, then sold in bags. Shredded hardwood mulch works best around trees, shrubs, and in perennial beds and decomposes more slowly than softwoods. Typically made from pine or cedar, these mulches should be reserved for use around large trees and shrubs. Pine tends to be slightly more acidic and therefore takes longer to decompose than other organic mulches.

Check with your local municipality before you shop for mulch; many offer freshly ground tree mulch to homeowners at no charge. This fresh material is neither dried nor aged, so use it only for walkways, as it leaches large amounts of nitrogen from the soil as it decomposes.

Best for: Gardens or pathways, around trees or shrubs, and in flower beds


Types of Mulch - Straw
Photo: istockphoto.com

Clean wheat, barley, or oat straw is the best mulch for lightly covering newly seeded lawns. The straw mulch keeps the grass seed from washing away, deters feeding birds and rodents, and, until it decomposes, conserves the moisture the seeds need for good germination. When you’re shopping for mulch, don’t confuse straw with hay. You should avoid the latter, which contains seeds that could sprout up as weeds in your garden.

Best for: Newly seeded lawns, and germinating vegetables and flowers.

Pine Needles

A bed of pine mulch is lined with a grass lawn.
Photo: istockphoto.com

Also known as pine straw, pine needles are effective as mulch, especially for flower beds. They come in non-colored, natural light brown, and sometimes can be found in red and brown shades. Pine needles are great for flowers and vegetables that need protection during the winter months since they help insulate the ground and stabilize the temperature of the soil. Pine needles also help prevent weeds, erosion, and evaporation.

Best for: Around trees and shrubs, and in flower or vegetable gardens.

Grass Clippings or Shredded Leaves

Types of Mulch - Lawn Clippings
Photo: istockphoto.com

No need to shop around—you can make your own organic mulch using nothing more than grass clippings or shredded leaves. Leaf mulch is ideal for use in garden beds and around trees and shrubs, while grass clippings may be spread in thin layers across vegetable and perennial beds and then turned into the soil at the end of the growing season. Be careful not to apply in thick layers, or the material will mat. Also, don’t save the clippings from lawns that have been treated with herbicides or insecticides.

Best for: Flower beds, vegetable gardens, and around trees and shrubs.

Leaf Mold

A person is removing leaves from a rake and putting them into a paper bag.
Photo: istockphoto.com

Another option is to compost fallen, shredded leaves to form leaf mold mulch for the garden. It boosts nutrients in the soil and helps with water retention. It’s best to let it sit for at least 6 months before applying; it doesn’t need to look like soil to be ready. Some people let the shredded leaves sit for 1 to 2 years, but the timing will really depend on the size of the leaves, geographic location, and climate.

Best for: Garden beds and vegetable gardens


A bed of soil is filled with shredded newspaper and earthworms.
Photo: istockphoto.com

Shredded black-and-white newspaper can be used as an effective weed suppressant. Apply two to three layers at a time, then cover with another heavier organic material, such as leaves or grass clippings, to hold the lightweight mulch in place. Take care not to mix in color newspaper pages since they do not decompose readily and may even expose your garden to toxic dyes.

Best for: Flower beds and vegetable gardens.


Cardboard mulch is layered around a garden with a small tree.
Photo: istockphoto.com

Cardboard is another great mulch option to deter weeds, since it blocks the sun; this makes it a good mulch for preparing garden beds. It also serves as a way to feed plants as the material decomposes. Be sure to choose undyed natural cardboard and to remove any stickers or tape to avoid adding toxic chemicals to the yard. Avoid a thick, solid layer of the material over an active bed, since it can inhibit air and some moisture from reaching the soil below. Overall, cardboard is an eco-friendly and free way to recycle the boxes lying around your house while helping your garden flourish.

Best for: Prepping flower beds and vegetable gardens.

Cocoa Chips

Cocoa chip mulch is scattered across the ground.
Photo: istockphoto.com

Popular for their rich color and pleasant scent, cocoa bean hulls are lightweight, easy to handle, and appropriate for all planting areas. Don’t apply more than 1 inch or water excessively, because cocoa chips already decompose quickly. And since they’re a pricier option, you won’t want to have to do more than an annual application. If you have pets or wildlife, avoid cocoa mulch since chocolate and its byproducts can be fatal to animals if consumed.

Best for: Flower beds, vegetable gardens, or around trees and shrubs

16 Types of Mulch for Landscaping and Gardening

Why Dog Owners Should Not Use Cocoa Mulch

Your pet’s “possible ingestion of cocoa bean hulls,” warns Karen Hirsch, DVM, a lecturer at Cornell University’s Department of Veterinary Medicine, should give dog owners pause about using cocoa mulch.

“Like the cocoa beans they harbor and the chocolate made from those beans, cocoa shells contain theobromine, a methylxanthine compound related to caffeine that dogs are very sensitive to.” Because the cocoa bean hulls smell like chocolate, they may induce a dog who would not otherwise eat mulch to start munching. If ingested in sufficient quantities, the hulls could lead to chocolate intoxication, which can result in death. 

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