How to Grow Strawberries
Hello, my friend, hello again; today we come together to talk about How to Grow Strawberries and hope the blog can help you.
Do you think of strawberries as “berried” treasure, but get frustrated trying to grow them? If you want to pick more fruits, pick the right type of berry to start with.
Straw polls verify that America’s favorite berry is—appropriately enough—the strawberry. However, gardeners learning how to grow these fruits must choose between everbearing, day-neutral, or June-bearing types (this last one is often called spring-bearing in the South).
Because strawberries don’t come true from seed, most plants are grown from dormant, bare-root transplants purchased in early spring in the North or in autumn in areas where frost is rare. The only strawberries commonly raised from seed are alpine or wild types, or open-pollinated cultivars such as ‘Fresca’.
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