Not Wild About Wild Hogs? Here Are 7 Ways to Keep Them Out of Your Yard

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Learning how to get rid of wild hogs can help protect your yard from the damage they do as they search for food.

Project Overview

  • Wild hogs are invasive in many parts of the U.S. and can cause significant damage to a property. 
  • Some signs of wild hogs are large sections of disturbed soil, droppings, hoof prints, and trampled ground.
  • Methods for deterring wild hogs yourself include using repellents, cleaning or sealing up garbage and debris, installing security lighting or motion-activated sprinklers and ultrasonic devices, putting up fencing, and trapping.   
  • Wild hogs are persistent and potentially dangerous, so if DIY methods aren’t sufficient, it’s a good idea to enlist the help of a wildlife removal specialist. 

Keep wild hogs off your property—safely
This is a job for the pros

Call a Pro ASAP


Wild hogs, sometimes also referred to as wild pigs or feral swine, are not native to America and include descendants of formerly domesticated pigs, Eurasian wild boar, and the offspring of the two. As a non-native species, they compete with native animals for food and habitat and can create a nuisance for homeowners, leaving behind property damage by rooting (turning over soil to search for food), trampling, and leaving behind scat piles. 

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), wild pig species are mostly found in southern states that range from Texas to Florida and the Carolinas, but they also live in most of California and other states as far north as Michigan. Wild hogs are managed with a combination of lethal and nonlethal strategies. Nonlethal methods like fencing and deterrents may be manageable for the average homeowner dealing with the occasional wild hog in the yard. However, if the problem persists, it’s a good idea to let one of the best wildlife removal services (like Critter Control or Trutech) implement more permanent solutions. 

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