How To: Balance a Wobbly Ceiling Fan

Hello, my friend, hello again; today we come together to talk about How To: Balance a Wobbly Ceiling Fan and hope the blog can help you.

When your overhead spinner starts acting up, follow these moves to restore the quiet—and the cool.

Even in the age of central air, ceiling fans still have their lofty place. The welcome breeze they provide evaporates sweat and contributes to the cooling effect every home calls for in summer. After much use, though, you might start to hear it audibly rock with every rotation. If yours seems out of whack—wobbling weirdly, making a racket—fret not. The noise of a wobbly ceiling fan doesn’t have to disrupt your peaceful day or force you to go out to buy a brand-new fan just yet! The fix is in. Keep reading for the quick steps it takes to balance a ceiling fan.

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