12 Ways to Stay Safe During a Heat Wave

Hello, my friend, hello again; today we come together to talk about 12 Ways to Stay Safe During a Heat Wave and hope the blog can help you.

High humidity and triple-digit temperatures can be deadly, especially if you don’t have air conditioning. Learn the best ways to stay healthy and hydrated during a heat wave.

Before the official first day of summer even hit in 2024, tens of millions of people lived under the threat of an extreme heat wave. Although summer’s always hot, this one hit early and is notable for how many people the heat dome affected (more than 72 million), how high temps could rise (up to 25 degrees above normal), and how long it would last—possibly an entire week. 

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 1,200 people die of heat-related illnesses each year, and those deaths are largely preventable. With climate change, extreme heat is not a passing phenomenon; each of the 12 months before June’s heat wave set records for high temperatures. Protect yourself and your family from the dangerous effects of excessive heat with this advice for making it safely through a heat wave.

1. Drink before you’re thirsty.

A bald man with sunglasses drinks from a plastic water bottle while sun sets in background.
Photo: istockphoto.com

Heat-related illnesses set in when the body cannot cool itself, which it does primarily through sweat. With too little hydration to produce sweat, health can take a sudden turn for the worse. A general guideline for each day (under normal circumstances) is to drink between ½ ounce and 1 ounce of water for each pound of body weight. If you’re active outdoors in hot weather, bump it up to a minimum of 1 ounce per pound of body weight.

Stay well hydrated in extreme heat by sipping the recommended amount of water throughout the day, including before, during, and after physical work or activity outdoors. While it may be tempting to chug ice water, doing so can cause cramps, so opt for cool but not frigid water.

2. Stay indoors.

Young Asian woman sitting on the floor in the kitchen, typing on laptop next to an electric fan.
Photo: istockphoto.com Dima Berlin

Stay in an air-conditioned space during the hottest times of the day. If you don’t have air conditioning at home, head to public spaces with AC if possible. Take it from Phoenix, Arizona, which also is experiencing hotter-than-normal days in summer 2024, and see if your community has set up cooling stations like the libraries and senior centers the desert city opens. Midwest and Northeast cities like New York are following suit during the heat wave.

To prepare for future heat waves, consider purchasing a window AC or portable air-conditioning unit, or even try putting a bowl of ice in front of a fan for a little homemade air conditioning. In a pinch, you can get relief by placing wet towels or washcloths on the back of your neck or resting your feet in cool water.

3. Schedule outdoor activities early and late in the day.

Woman waters vegetable crops in the evening with a watering can.
Photo: Getty Images rbkomar

A heat wave calls for a change in routine. Physical exertion in the late morning, afternoon, and even early evening can cause body temperature to rise to unhealthy levels. Instead, schedule yard work, workouts, and other active pursuits for early morning or later evening hours, when the mercury begins to drop. If you can’t fit your exercise routine to those times, think about getting a gym membership so you can take advantage of the air conditioning.

4. Limit time in the sun.

A group of friends gather on the porch of a home, with a shaded roof overhead.
Photo: Getty Images Maskot .

During a heat wave, be cautious about being outside, especially in direct sun. Reschedule or cancel recreational or social activities if necessary. When temperatures are skyrocketing, you can suffer from heat exhaustion or heat stroke even when you’re not doing anything particularly strenuous. 

When you have to be outside, try to use a shady area for breaks from the sun. If you’re hosting a gathering that can’t be rescheduled, give guests plenty of ways to stay hydrated and out of the sun. Pick an area with shade trees or set up pop-up canopies or tents so people can escape the heat. 

5. Dress light and loose.

Woman working in the home garden wearing a wide-brimmed straw hat.
Photo: Getty Images

Clothing plays a pivotal role in the body’s ability to regulate its temperature. Help it out by wearing light-colored, loose-fitting clothing. Light colors reflect heat, and loose clothing allows the body’s natural cooling system to remain effective. Try to have a few clothing items that have air permeability (like cotton, linen, or bamboo) or moisture-wicking properties. Avoid polyester or other fabrics that don’t breathe well.

Picking the right clothing also protects your skin from sunburn. Opt for long sleeves, hats, and SPF-protective clothing to save your skin from painful damage.

6. Eat light meals.

Young woman eating salad in restaurant, alone.
Photo: Getty Images

Because the body has to work hard to digest heavy, fatty foods, a heat wave is not a good time to enjoy a big, greasy burger. You’ll just be pushing the body to create more heat. Instead, eat light, well-balanced meals with plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. And though we’ve already said it, it’s worth saying again: Drink lots of water, even if you don’t feel thirsty.

RELATED: 15 Clever Hacks to Help You Beat the Summer Heat

7. Avoid drinking alcohol.

A pitcher of fresh homemade lemonade alongside lemons and full glasses of lemonade.
Photo: Getty Images

Not all liquids are equally hydrating during a heat wave. Alcohol changes the way the body functions, especially the kidneys, and it blocks an antidiuretic hormone that tells the body to reabsorb water. Consequently, alcohol has a diuretic effect, causing the body to pass more urine than the volume of alcohol ingested. Also, consumption of large quantities of alcohol can lead to loss of fluid through vomiting.

8. Avoid caffeinated and sugary drinks.

Pouring cola from a can into a glass.
Photo: Getty Images

Alcohol isn’t the only drink you should avoid during a heat wave. It’s a good idea to stay away from caffeinated and sugary drinks, too. Caffeine irritates the bladder, which can cause an increase in urine frequency, and it can have a diuretic effect on some drinkers. Sugary drinks can stop the body from absorbing water as it should during high heat. Even though you’re drinking, your body can’t use that liquid the way it needs to. In a heat wave, water is your best bet for hydration.

9. Replace electrolytes.

Young man standing on a bridge drinking a sports drink.
Photo: Getty Images

The body loses electrolytes—essential minerals like sodium and potassium—when we sweat. If your body is working hard for a long time, it may need more than just water. Normally, eating and drinking as recommended will replace them. 

During and after prolonged sweating for several hours, however, drinks like Pedialyte and low-sugar sports drinks can help replenish the body’s electrolytes. Not all sports drinks are the same, though. Always check the nutritional information to make sure the product you’ve picked up isn’t loaded with sugar.

10. Recognize the signs of heatstroke and heat exhaustion.

Senior man wiping his forehead with a towel after exercising in the park.
Photo: Getty Images

Protect yourself and your family by knowing the signs of heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Their symptoms are similar and should always be taken seriously. Consider heat exhaustion a sign to hydrate and cool off. Watch for heavy sweating, cold and clammy skin, dizziness, headache, nausea, a fast or weakening pulse, and fainting. 

If heat exhaustion advances to heatstroke, the person’s skin can turn red, dry, or warm. They also can experience confusion and pass out. Once heatstroke kicks in, body temperatures rise to 103 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. If you or anyone else shows these symptoms, get medical attention immediately.

11. Take a cool bath or shower.

Man with eyes closed taking shower with his face in the water.
Photo: Getty Images

Extreme heat makes it hard for the body to cool itself. If you don’t have air conditioning and a room fan isn’t cutting it, hop into a cool bath or shower. Cool water can bring the body temperature down, but only apply ice or ice-cold water to small parts of the body, like the wrists, chest, neck, or forehead. Don’t turn to an ice-cold bath; it could cause shivering, which heats up the body.

12. Watch car temperatures.

12 Ways to Stay Safe During a Heat Wave

When higher-than-normal temperatures hit, you might be surprised how quickly your car can heat up. First is the critical safety of never leaving pets or children in a car. Even with outside temperatures as low as 73 degrees Fahrenheit, the temperature inside a car with a cracked window can rise nearly 20 degrees in just 10 minutes and cause serious heat-related illness or death. 

In addition, black and metal surfaces in a car can become too hot to touch. The temperature of dark seats or dashboards can soar to nearly 200 degrees Fahrenheit. 

If you can’t park in shade, cover dark upholstery, car seats, and the steering wheel or dash with a towel or blanket while out of the car. Cool the car down by opening side windows or doors to fan out some of the hot air. Start the AC on high and use the “external air” setting. Forcing air through the lower vents until the interior cools in a few minutes also can push hot air up and out through the windows.

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