The 16 Easiest-to-Grow Vegetables for Novice Gardeners

Hello, my friend, hello again; today we come together to talk about The 16 Easiest-to-Grow Vegetables for Novice Gardeners and hope the blog can help you.

Want to grow your own vegetables, but don’t know how to get started? Our advice: Plant the easiest, no-fuss plants this first season.

If you’ve never planted a vegetable garden—or if you have, but didn’t get the results you wanted—there are two things you can do to improve your odds of a bountiful harvest. First, pick crops that are almost guaranteed to succeed: non-fussy plants that will do their own thing and reward you with plentiful bounty. Second, don’t plant 100 different kinds of vegetables at once. Start with just a few crops and see how it goes. When you’re making salsa with homegrown tomatoes and chiles, your confidence will grow and you can expand your garden next season. As for this year, we have a few easy-peasy plant recommendations to get you going.  


Green bush beans growing in the garden.


Bush beans are by far the most popular beans for home gardeners. These beans grow on compact, bushy plants, so they don’t need stakes, poles, or trellises. Just plant, and in 7 to 8 weeks, you’ll have a tasty crop that’s ready to pick and eat. Plant bush beans every 2 weeks, and you’ll have fresh beans on your table all summer long, with plenty to freeze or can for winter. If you have more vertical space than area for plants to spread out, consider pole beans, which can grow to a height of 7 to 9 feet. Direct-sow bean seeds in full sun after the soil has warmed and the danger of frost has passed.

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