Solved! Does Ring Work With Google Home?
While Ring does work with Google Home to a certain extent, there are some limitations for customers to consider before choosing to use these two popular systems.
12 Tricks to Getting the Best Gas Mileage
Americans may think they know all there is to know about cars—after all, the automobile is deeply ingrained in our culture—but when it comes to conserving fuel, money, and air quality, we could learn a lot from Europeans. In Sweden, for instance, the law requires drivers to learn fuel-saving “eco-driving” before they can obtain a driver’s license. Officials there say eco-driving techniques—including coasting, putting the car into the right gear, and braking slowly—are reducing the country’s total fuel consumption by 10 to 20 percent. Want to know more about these money-saving tricks? Read on to learn more ways that you can improve gas mileage.
12 Surprising Things You Should Never Clean with Water
Wait! Before you fill up your cleaning bucket with good old H2O, think first about what you plan on cleaning. Though water may be your go-to for cleanup, it can damage or shorten the life of certain furnishings and fixtures. Read on to find out which household objects should never be subjected to water.