Cool Your House with Smart Landscaping
Let nature assist in cooling your house in summer with strategically planted trees, shrubs and vines to shade the roof, walls, windows—even the air conditioning unit itself.
Let nature assist in cooling your house in summer with strategically planted trees, shrubs and vines to shade the roof, walls, windows—even the air conditioning unit itself.
Naturally boost the yields of zucchini plants and protect your zucchini harvest from squash bugs and other pests with these amazing companion plants.
Can one grill really sear, roast, smoke, and bake? Yes, and the results are tasty.
Learn how to reverse lawn fertilizer burn and restore the health and beauty of your grass.
This guide will allow you to identify signs of a problem and how to treat an infestation.
If you think you need tons of sun to grow beautiful flowers, think again. These plants thrive in the shade and produce loads of colorful blooms.
Check out these fuss-free flowers and shrubs for a gorgeous landscape with minimal work.
Keeping chickens at home can be beneficial, fun, and fulfilling. For the best experience possible, choose the right breeds of chickens for your circumstances and goals.
Try your luck with the shamrock plant whose colorful three- or four-leaf “clovers” may bring you good fortune—or at least good foliage!
Make the most of your yard space with these corner landscaping ideas.