How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes—and Keep Them From Coming Back
No one wants pesky mosquitoes lurking on their lawn. When you need to know how to get rid of mosquitoes, the following guide can help remove them from your yard for good.
No one wants pesky mosquitoes lurking on their lawn. When you need to know how to get rid of mosquitoes, the following guide can help remove them from your yard for good.
Depending on a landscaping business’s location, the owner may be required to obtain one or more types of licenses to legally operate.
Keep your new plants alive and thriving with these must-have tools and products.
Is crabgrass leaving you crabby or quackgrass driving you quackers? If you don’t know which type of weedy grass is sprouting in your lawn or flower beds—or what to do about it—read on.
Since you can’t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs, you need something to do with all those shells.
Because bone meal remains a bone of contention among gardeners, you might want to bone up on bone meal’s uses and misuses!
If you don’t know beans about growing the fern from Beantown, these hints can keep your attempt from turning out half-baked.
Banish weeds the right way—and keep them from coming back—with these tips, tools, and techniques.
Before modern pharmaceuticals, people turned to nature to find cures for what ailed them. The efficacy of those medicinal plants is still revered today, although chances are you won’t soon receive a doctor’s prescription for these age-old treatments. You can still grow herbs, shrubs, flowers, and trees that can treat minor ailments and injuries, from headaches to bee stings, right in your own backyard. Traditional home remedies don’t take the place of qualified medical advice, however, so check with your doctor when contemplating treatment.
Whether you’re cultivating a small collection of potted herbs on your balcony or you’re planning an epic victory garden, we’ve got tried and true tips from experts to make your efforts bear fruit.