Solved! How Long to Water Your Lawn
Encourage the growth of lush green grass with this foolproof formula for running your sprinklers.
Encourage the growth of lush green grass with this foolproof formula for running your sprinklers.
Harvest your tomatoes at the perfect stage of ripeness for the best flavor and maximum shelf life.
The right answer might not be what you think.
Proper placement of trees depends on their needs and yours. Consider their water, sunlight, and spatial requirements, as well as your need for shade, curb appeal, or protection from the weather.
With the right soil and plenty of patience, blueberries are a rewarding crop to grow.
Birds in dryer vents are a more serious problem than you might think. Find out how to approach this problem with the best outcome for you and the birds.
From planting the wrong types of flowers to not cleaning feeders regularly, you might be unintentionally keeping hummingbirds away.
If poison ivy crops up on your property, you can remove it chemically, naturally, or—if you’re ready to get your hands dirty—physically.
Squirrel removal cost depends on the location of the squirrel nest, the number of squirrels, and the extent of the damage. The typical cost of squirrel removal ranges from $125 to $1,500, with the national average falling around $350.
One man’s weed is another man’s best friend. That’s certainly true for many of the weeds that are found in backyards around the country. While some gardeners labor to rid their patches of earth of any stray stem or sprout, they might do well to live and let live. At least, that’s the case for a handful of weeds that boast a bevy of benefits, from attracting pollinators to repelling pests, and from fertilizing soil to filling a salad plate (although you should take care not to consume any weeds that have been treated with chemicals). Read on to discover the hidden benefits these misunderstood plants can offer.