This Age-Old Winter Gardening Hack Will Save You Time (and Money!) Come Spring
Give your garden a “jug-start” by winter sowing seeds of perennial and hardy annual plants in repurposed plastic containers outdoors.
Give your garden a “jug-start” by winter sowing seeds of perennial and hardy annual plants in repurposed plastic containers outdoors.
Get the dirt on how to make the ground in your garden ready to plant.
Learn why perennials are the garden plants that keep on giving, and why they are worth establishing on your property.
Summer is here at last, along with all the fun and pleasurable outdoor activities that come with it. But as we spend these longer, warmer days outside, gardening, swimming, hiking, camping, or just hanging out with friends, potentially dangerous insects are buzzing or crawling around us, threatening to spoil our good time. These “party crashers” carry harmful bacteria or transmit diseases via painful stings or bites, and an untimely visit from one of them could end in a trip to the emergency room. Fortunately, most bugs won’t go out of their way to attack humans. The best strategy for staying safe this summer is to know the enemies, then avoid and protect against them. Learn what to look out for with our guide to some of the most dangerous bugs found in America.
There are both benefits and potential drawbacks to building a gabion retaining wall. Learn more to decide if adding one will help your home’s landscaping.
Beautiful landscapes are not merely feasts for the eyes; these attractive berry bushes add taste to your lawn and your meals.
Learn the cut-and-come-again technique for more productive, bountiful herbs.
Nothing better symbolizes summer than a robust sunflower’s bright yellow face, often so high you could easily mistake it for the sun itself.
Adding landscape curbing around flower beds and yards is an attractive way to enhance a property. The average nationwide landscape curbing cost is $1,401, though a typical range is $779 to $2,097.
Have you cultivated all the common houseplants and are now ready for one of a different stripe? Try raising a zebra plant!