7 Instagrammers Whose Houseplants Have a Cult Following
If your idea of a soothing social media experience is scrolling photos of fauna, you’re going to need to follow these accounts ASAP.
If your idea of a soothing social media experience is scrolling photos of fauna, you’re going to need to follow these accounts ASAP.
Forget hand-pulling weeds, or spraying your property with chemical herbicides. A natural weed killer made with pantry ingredients is just as effective, and much healthier for your family and environment.
They may require a small investment, but Yeti coolers have a loyal following for good reason. These tough-as-nails coolers are durable and can keep food and drink cold for days.
Pooling water could be the first sign of a problem—fixing it requires rerouting the path of the water. French drain costs run anywhere from $500 to $18,000, with $5,000 being the national average cost.
The right houseplant brings beauty and calm into a space and improves your home’s air quality, but that’s only the start of it. There are plenty of other good reasons to keep some greenery in every room. Houseplants offer a whole host of benefits, from promoting productivity to flavoring your next meal. Read on to find the perfect houseplant for every room in your house.
It’s lighter weight and less expensive than wood mulch, but is it a good idea to use pine needle mulch in your yard?
Monarch butterflies depend on milkweed for survival, and other pollinators also enjoy this fragrant native wildflower. Learn how to grow milkweed to support monarchs.
Lasagna, hugelkultur, Ruth Stout—there are many interesting choices of how to fill a raised garden bed. Your choice should reflect the availability of time and materials at hand.
Grow holly shrubs to deck the halls—or your exterior walls as foundation plants.
Are your plants looking sad, or simply not growing? The problem might be in the soil. Here’s the dirt on how soil amendments can help.