How to Help Your Houseplants Survive the Winter
Though houseplants are kept indoors, they are still affected by changes in temperature and season. Learn how tweaks to your care routine can help your indoor plants weather the cold.
Though houseplants are kept indoors, they are still affected by changes in temperature and season. Learn how tweaks to your care routine can help your indoor plants weather the cold.
The most beloved plants in your home may actually be toxic to your furry companions.
Grow a croton, the colorful Joseph’s coat of the houseplant world, to inspire envy among your gardening friends and relatives.
Your pampered seedlings need to toughen up a bit before you send them out into the big, bad world. Expose them to life’s realities gradually!
Would you like to green up your indoor space, but lack the greenbacks for more plants? Make new ones quickly from those you or your friends already have.
Are collectors who pay thousands of dollars for a single houseplant innovative investors or just potty in more ways than one?
Houseplants should never look like an afterthought.
What is snake plant, and what does it take for it to flourish? Learn about the optimal growing conditions for Dracaena trifasciata, and how easy it is to propagate.
Bottom watering might help you solve some of your houseplant problems—such as ugly water spots—from the bottom up!
Any of these snake plant varieties could be the easiest indoor plant you’ve ever grown.