20 Tips for Keeping All Critters Out of Your Yard and Garden

An enjoyable afternoon spent working in the garden, a lovely evening relaxing in the yard: the exterior of your home provides plenty of opportunities to recharge your batteries while soaking in the great outdoors. Unfortunately, a wide variety of unwanted critters—including insects, rodents, and other trouble-making animals—also are drawn to your yard, and they aren’t there to help with the gardening. These visitors are generally in search of a meal or a home of their own, and they don’t care how much backyard mess and destruction they create in the process. While you’ll never be able to block 100% of outdoor pests, the following tips will help you greatly reduce 20 of the most common uninvited visitors.

How to Get Rid of Cicadas

The cicada’s bright eyes, veiny wings, and constant hum are annual signs that warm weather has arrived—but nobody wants them floating in the pool or buzzing past (or worse, ON) the grill. Prevention and maintenance can keep these noisy critters at bay. If you’re wondering how to get rid of cicadas, luckily, there are methods to turn to. When help is needed, an exterminator can take care of the issue for you.