Chalk and 19 Other Things You Don’t Keep in Your Toolbox—But Should

Every homeowner knows the importance of having a good toolbox stocked with all the basics—screwdrivers, pliers, wrenches, and the like. But there are a few, more esoteric items that you should stash in there too—things that you probably already have scattered around the house. Read through this list, then go gather up these surprisingly useful items and stow them in your tool kit. You’ll be glad you did!

15 Problems Hard Water Can Cause

Some homes have hard water—water that contains a high level of calcium, magnesium, lime, or other minerals. Hard water doesn’t pose any health risks, but it can cause a number of plumbing, maintenance, and household cleaning issues. Click through to discover some of the problems hard water can create. And if these issues sound all too familiar, maybe it’s time to install a water softener!