10 Simple Ingredients for a Very Comfortable Bed

Although getting the recommended eight hours of sleep each night may be a bit of a pipe dream, that’s no reason not to make our bedroom spaces dreamy. Our beds beckon us to escape, relax, reflect, and yes, sleep. All of these are made better by a requisite amount of coziness. What makes a bed cozy, you may ask? For some, it’s a pile of pillows to sink into; for others, coziness may be more about what’s above and around you rather than what’s underneath. Whatever your snuggly style, here are 10 ideas for transforming your bed into a sanctuary that’s tailored just for you.

12 Things Your Plumber Wishes You Knew

Why does it seem like the times you really need a plumber are late at night, early in the morning, or on weekends, when fees can cost twice as much as normal. Chances are your plumber doesn’t want to make a house call at odd hours any more than you want to call him. What you may not know is that many plumbing problems are preventable, or can be fixed on the cheap if addressed early on. We’ve put together a list of things your plumber wishes you knew so both of you can enjoy an uninterrupted weekend of relaxation or a worry-free night’s sleep.