Solved! The Best Bathroom Lighting
Reach the right decision for your bathroom lighting design with these bright ideas.
Reach the right decision for your bathroom lighting design with these bright ideas.
Does anybody actually enjoy cleaning a bathroom? Implement these features and keep your lavatory squeaky clean with minimal effort.
Do away with the scouring and unpleasantness of regular toilet upkeep by installing an automatic cleaner that will leave your bowl sparkling clean after every flush.
Don’t let a relaxing soak in your whirlpool tub be cut short by mold and other debris floating in the water. Follow these steps to get both the tub and jets clean again.
A small footprint presents design challenges that can be difficult to overcome in the bathroom, particularly if there are no windows. After all, windows do more than provide a view to the outdoors: They admit the color-clarifying, texture-highlighting natural light that enables you to see better as you go about your daily grooming routine. Not to mention, windows also promote a sense of airy openness—a welcome relief in a space that might otherwise feel cramped. Still, even in the absence of a window, it’s not only possible but can be surprisingly easy to make a small, dim, and forbidding bathroom feel bigger, brighter, and more welcoming. One company in particular, Solatube International, Inc., offers a suite of innovative tubular daylighting devices capable of introducing a night-and-day difference to the most tomb-like space. Click through now to see a range of effective solutions for maximizing light and creating the illusion of additional square footage in a small, windowless bath.
Often an afterthought in home design, the bathroom can meet most homeowners’ needs with just a few essentials: a sink, toilet, tub, and—if you’re lucky—a little storage. Throw some little ones into the mix, though, and suddenly your needs change. Where’s the rubber ducky collection or a kid-friendly step stool? Check out our favorite bathroom ideas that cater to the special needs of kids and families.
Bidets are increasingly popular in American homes, but many people still have questions about their use and the choices available. Here’s what you need to know.
If your tub drain just isn’t doing its job, you may need to take it out to clean or replace it. Rest assured that in just a few simple steps you’ll have the drain out and be on your way to resolving your tub trouble.
Determine the ideal tub dimensions to suit your bathroom layout and your bathing style using these rules of thumb.
From bare-bones functionality to almost unimaginable luxury, today’s tubs offer a dizzying range of styles, features, sizes, and materials. Here’s how to navigate the bubbly waters and find the perfect tub for you.