7 Ways to Open Up a Windowless Bathroom

A small footprint presents design challenges that can be difficult to overcome in the bathroom, particularly if there are no windows. After all, windows do more than provide a view to the outdoors: They admit the color-clarifying, texture-highlighting natural light that enables you to see better as you go about your daily grooming routine. Not to mention, windows also promote a sense of airy openness—a welcome relief in a space that might otherwise feel cramped. Still, even in the absence of a window, it’s not only possible but can be surprisingly easy to make a small, dim, and forbidding bathroom feel bigger, brighter, and more welcoming. One company in particular, Solatube International, Inc., offers a suite of innovative tubular daylighting devices capable of introducing a night-and-day difference to the most tomb-like space. Click through now to see a range of effective solutions for maximizing light and creating the illusion of additional square footage in a small, windowless bath.

8 Fresh Designs for Kids’ Bathrooms

Often an afterthought in home design, the bathroom can meet most homeowners’ needs with just a few essentials: a sink, toilet, tub, and—if you’re lucky—a little storage. Throw some little ones into the mix, though, and suddenly your needs change. Where’s the rubber ducky collection or a kid-friendly step stool? Check out our favorite bathroom ideas that cater to the special needs of kids and families.