7 Surprising Items Burglars Want to Steal from You

An estimated 3.7 million burglaries occur every year in the United States, each resulting in an average loss of more than $2,000. You can minimize your loss, should you become the victim of a break-in, by learning which household items are most likely to be stolen. You already know that burglars target valuables such as electronics, cash and jewelry, but you probably didn’t know that they are also interested in the contents of your fridge or bathroom storage unit. Click through to discover some very surprising items that burglars want to steal from you.

The Most Cunning Secret Hiding Spots We’ve Ever Seen

When it comes to hiding valuables in your home, you don’t need a massive safe bolted to the floor in the bedroom—you just need to stay one step ahead of would-be thieves. All it takes is a little clever thinking. Read on for 11 wow-worthy stash spots and get some inspiration for updating your own around-the-home hiding place.