6 Overlooked Ways to Warm Up a Chilly Room

As temperatures drop and the weather gets dicey, we relocate ourselves—as well as our daily activities—indoors for warmth, shelter, and comfort. But as most homeowners know, the indoors doesn’t always guarantee relief from the cold. We’ve all lived with that one room that just can’t warm up. Rather than avoiding an entire section of your home for months or tethering yourself to a space heater, take a closer look at your living area and scope out opportunities for making your room cozier. Some solutions are as simple as rethinking your furnishings and decoration, while others, such as making the switch to radiant flooring for long-term, energy-efficient comfort, require bigger-picture planning. Whatever route you choose, don’t wait a season longer to explore your options. Read on for 7 space-warming ideas you ought to try.This content has been brought to you by Warmboard. Its facts and opinions are those of BobVila.com.