Don’t Make These 8 Mistakes in Your Front Yard

Maybe you’re a first-time homeowner who is looking to put your personal stamp on your new abode. Or you may be thinking of putting your house on the market and want to enhance the property’s curb appeal. Or perhaps you are just tired of your home’s current look and want to give the place a well-deserved facelift. Whatever your reasons for considering a small or large landscape overhaul, you probably don’t want to waste your efforts on costly, time-consuming, and aggravating mistakes. Here are just a few of the common landscaping blunders that can snare even experienced homeowners.

These 11 Repairs Aren’t Worth Your Time or Money

There are a lot of decisions to make when you put your home on the market, and one of the biggest is your asking price. While you can’t change the number one factor in your home’s value—its location—you do have control over almost everything else that might encourage a buyer to make a good offer. But many sellers mistakenly believe that to get top dollar, they have to invest a bundle in repairs and upgrades. Unless you’re planning on selling your home as a fixer-upper, some repairs are must-dos—for instance, plumbing leaks, electrical system issues, nonfunctioning central air conditioning or heating, structural problems, and pest infestations. Other fixes and renovations, though, simply aren’t worth the time and expense, particularly if you live in a hot real estate market. So, before you embark on extensive improvements, rest assured that your home will still be competitive if you skip the following repairs and renovations.