14 Clever New Uses for Old Newspapers

Reading the morning newspaper is a relaxing ritual for many people, but unfortunately, this admirable habit results in the waste of a lot of paper. Rather than simply tossing your old newspapers in the garbage pail (a very environmentally unfriendly approach), or even putting them in the recycling, you can let your trash save you some cash by using your old papers as a substitute for store-bought cleaning, lining, and packaging products. Here are some of our top ideas for repurposing those daily broadsheets.

Redecorate Your Home for—and with—Pennies

You can get all the luster of a metallic surface without breaking the bank. The trick? Use pennies. Incorporating the coins into your design as a material can save money per square foot, and because the small copper “tiles” vary in appearance, they create a unique dimensional texture that looks luxurious. It may take some patience to lay out each penny individually, but the resulting statement piece will definitely amp up your DIY cred. So, gather up all those pennies weighing down your change purse or rattling in your car’s cup holder, and flip through to see the creative projects you can make with them.