These Are the Most Common Appliance Repairs

Household appliances help keep your life running smoothly. When they break down unexpectedly, routines—and budgets—get thrown off. That’s why it’s so important to budget for appliance maintenance, repair, and replacement. To help you plan, the household appliance repair experts at Puls have just released a report on appliance repair costs and reliability across the United States. Here’s a look at their major findings along with a few tips on which brands last longest.

15 Places Water Damage May Be Hiding in Your Home

Building materials and water don’t mix. Insulation, wood studs, plywood sheathing, and subflooring can all degrade, rot, or develop mold when they’re repeatedly saturated with water. Making the situation even worse, this water damage is often hidden from sight, tucked away between walls or under floors. As a result, significant structural damage can occur before it’s discovered. Read on to learn about 15 spots where water damage could be hiding in your home.