All You Need to Know About Winterizing Concrete Surfaces

While you’re taking measures to protect your house from cold weather, don’t forget about your outdoor structures! A little winterizing maintenance for your concrete sidewalks, patios, and lawn decor will ensure that these features will still be sturdy and attractive when the snow and ice thaw in spring.

8 Stupid Mistakes That Kill Your Electronics

Most people nowadays own thousands of dollars’ worth of laptops, smartphones, tablets, and countless other devices that play crucial roles in our everyday lives. Properly caring for these items can be tricky, as they contain delicate hardware and run on complex software. Take a look at 8 common errors you may be making with your electronics that could lead to pesky breakdowns and burnouts.

13 Weird Ways to Use Dental Floss Around the House

In nearly every bathroom, you’ll find at least one package of dental floss, whether it’s waxed, unwaxed, monofilament, or multistranded. Believe it or not, that little bundle of cord can do much more than clean your teeth—and it’s particularly handy as a stand-in for string, wire, or thread. Here are 13 amazing things you can do with dental floss.

13 DIY Projects You Can Do with Supplies You Already Have

Getting your house shipshape doesn’t always mean running to the home improvement center to load up on supplies. Many DIY maintenance tasks, home repairs, and other projects can be done with things you most likely already have on hand. With a little creativity, not only will you be able to use up those extra supplies that have been taking up valuable storage space, but you’ll also have fun doing it, and your house will be all the better for it.