How to Paint Vinyl Siding and Make Your Home Look New Again
Can you paint vinyl siding? Absolutely! If your home’s vinyl exterior has seen better days or you no longer like its color, save big bucks by painting it instead of replacing it.
Can you paint vinyl siding? Absolutely! If your home’s vinyl exterior has seen better days or you no longer like its color, save big bucks by painting it instead of replacing it.
If you’re looking for a way to brighten a room or revive an old piece of furniture, a whitewashed finish may be just the thing. Follow this simple how-to for best results.
When your rough-textured walls fade or get dirty, treat them to a DIY refresh.
Used in most homes before being banned in the late 1970s, lead paint still exists undetected in many places. Before digging into any renovations on an old home, run this important test to protect your health.
Find out what it takes to achieve a pro-quality paint job on your kitchen cabinets and update your space.
Want the luxurious look of decorative tile flooring at a fraction of the cost? Painting the tile can transform a room in just a few days—no demolition or power tools required!
Painting may seem like a simple task for beginning DIYers to tackle. If you’re wondering, “Should I paint my kitchen cabinets?” know that an expert’s touch can make all the difference.
Follow these rules for the proper disposal of paint thinner to keep your family and the planet safe from harm.
PVC piping can be used for all sorts of DIY projects, but who says you have to keep the pipes white? When you learn how to paint PVC pipe, your design options multiply.
A do-it-yourselfer can achieve a near-perfect finish by following the tips in this handy primer on how to paint kitchen cabinets.