Electric vs. Gas Pressure Washer: Choosing the Right Cleaning Machine
Electric and gas pressure washers provide home users and professionals with a comprehensive range of cleaning machines, but which is best for your needs?
Electric and gas pressure washers provide home users and professionals with a comprehensive range of cleaning machines, but which is best for your needs?
These 10 gilding techniques will let you add bold metallic accents to your home without breaking the bank.
In this modern age, it seems that as swiftly as new products are invented, they become outmoded, swept away by something newer, shinier, and (inevitably) more expensive. It almost seems like these days nothing’s built to last. Luckily, that’s not entirely true. There are still a handful of tried and true products that will stick with you as the years roll by. We’ve gathered some of our favorite last-forever-buys that will live up to the promise of their lifetime warranties.
The kids are finally out of the house, so now is a terrific time to renovate your home without your rambunctious teens and young adults taking center stage.
You’ll want to bookmark this for future reference.
Both satin and semi-gloss finishes can lend a beautiful sheen to any interior paint job. If you’re stuck between the two, read this guide to help you determine which coat to put on.
Enlist this little-known, low-cost product to restore the original color of your grout or give it a brand new hue.
Keep your car running smoothly and prevent future problems with these easy but essential maintenance tasks.
You can get all the luster of a metallic surface without breaking the bank. The trick? Use pennies. Incorporating the coins into your design as a material can save money per square foot, and because the small copper “tiles” vary in appearance, they create a unique dimensional texture that looks luxurious. It may take some patience to lay out each penny individually, but the resulting statement piece will definitely amp up your DIY cred. So, gather up all those pennies weighing down your change purse or rattling in your car’s cup holder, and flip through to see the creative projects you can make with them.
These basic knitting stitches are the foundation of a wide array of knitting projects and patterns.