10 Unexpected Uses for Spray Paint
Looking to make updates around the house? There are so many surprising items to color and revive all with just a can of spray paint.
Looking to make updates around the house? There are so many surprising items to color and revive all with just a can of spray paint.
Your heat is cranked up, but one of your radiators is still ice-cold. Don’t fret—this is a common problem. Good thing there’s a quick fix!
It pays to be green when you collect rainwater for your landscaping needs. Start saving on your water bill this very weekend by setting up a rain barrel based on one of these easy designs.
Add accent lighting, TV backlighting, or custom room lighting by learning how to install LED light strips in your home.
It cleans and degreases, repels pests, and can even save you the cost of a plumber’s visit: These surprising uses for dish soap will convince you to keep a few extra bottles in the bathroom, garage, garden—and your first aid kit.
Though small and unassuming, a tiny tube of Chapstick packs a lot of utility into its minuscule proportions. Whether brand-name or generic, lip balm can do so much more than protect your lips from the cold! With all the tasks it can help you accomplish, you should always keep a tube in your pocket.
From vertically sprouting succulent gardens to converted colanders that bloom with living greens, these unconventional homemade planter projects require only a can-do spirit and a few basic supplies and tools to sow the seeds of style in your garden.
Declutter your home without adding more trash to landfills with these creative upcycling ideas.
Every DIYer needs a pair of solid sawhorses. Learn what makes this design unique and how to build it step by step.
Banish the bulges caused by nail pops before you paint to achieve flawlessly smooth wall surfaces.