Allergy-Proof Your Home in 7 Steps

Spring allergies may not be devastating, but they certainly are a nuisance. If you suffer, you’re not alone. Millions of Americans are affected by spring allergies every year. There are many players in the environmental allergy game (dust, mold, etc.), but the main culprit is pollen. It’s all because plants want to reproduce. Trees, weeds, and other plants release tiny grains of pollen into the air in spring to fertilize themselves. When those grains of pollen enter the nose of someone who suffers from allergies, their body assumes they are attacking it, and responds by releasing a counter-attack of antibodies. That, in turn, dumps histamines into the blood, which triggers the sniffling, sneezing, and general wheezing so often recognized as allergy symptoms. So, to fight spring allergies, you must fight those pesky, teensy, weensy grains of pollen. If you’re allergic to dust and mold spores as well, you’re fighting an even bigger battle, as those particles are everywhere — not only outside, but inside your home, and every other building you enter. This spring, protect your health and cut down your expenditures on over-the-counter allergy medicine by allergy-proofing your home. Here are several ideas any homeowner can implement to improve indoor air quality and bid allergies adieu.

10 Toolbox Hacks for Your Next DIY Project

There’s a little MacGyver in all of us. And when it comes to DIY, who couldn’t use another shortcut? Whether your toolbox is fully stocked or you’re slowly acquiring items from your wish list, whether you’re an old pro or a newbie, the tricks of the trade can make your next DIY project (or emergency) a lot smoother—and smarter. Add these toolbox hacks to your artillery, and streamline your next project.