Yes, You Can Reuse Water at Home—Here’s How

We waste water every day—for example, when we let the water run while we brush our teeth or wait for the shower to hit the perfect temperature. It’s fairly easy to save water by cutting out these wasteful habits. But if you’re already pretty good about conserving water, how can you reduce your water usage even further? One way to kick your eco-friendly efforts up a notch is by reusing water around your house. Here’s how.

Here’s How Much Remodeling Any Room Really Costs

Whether you’re looking to renovate your entire kitchen, complete with new cabinetry and appliances, or you just want to update your living room with a fresh coat of paint, new furniture, and carpeting, remodeling can be a pricey prospect. That’s why it’s important to know how much it’s likely to cost up front before you start. The following figures come from “Remodeling” magazine, which analyzes costs for both midrange and upscale home remodeling projects, and “House Beautiful,” which breaks projects down into the cost of their components. These costs reflect the upper range, but if you opt for fewer amenities and are able to do some of the work yourself, you should be able to save some money.