The Best Dowel Jigs for Your Workshop, Tested and Reviewed
Make quick work of creating strong, accurate joints with this indispensable woodworking tool.
Make quick work of creating strong, accurate joints with this indispensable woodworking tool.
If you ignore necessary but manageable maintenance issues today, you might end up with bigger—and more expensive—problems on your hands down the road.
Successfully completing a DIY project on your own can be quite satisfying. Cleaning up the mess left behind is another story. Use these tips to manage the cleanup process.
Feeling inundated with stuff? Declutter using one or more of these minimizing trends to help you feel less overwhelmed and more in control over your home environment.
Learn how frequently experts recommend cleaning your car, and what factors could make it necessary to wash it even more regularly.
Before installing rigid flooring, determine if your substrate is even enough—and learn what to do if it isn’t.
Where do mattresses go to die? The landfill, most often. But it doesn’t have to be that way. There’s still life under what looks like old junk, if you’re willing to uncover it. Old bedsprings offer an industrial aesthetic that can lay the foundation for a host of projects and decorative pieces. Even individual spring coils can be brilliantly utilized—the rustier the better. Sharpen your wire cutters, and get ready to repurpose, reuse, and recycle.
It seems like a simple process—buy a machine and some ladders, advertise online, get jobs, get paid. But successfully starting a pressure- washing business requires a little more work ahead of time.
Concrete surfaces are built to last, but sometimes you need to intervene to make sure they stay as good-looking as they are hardworking. Read on to learn how to tackle five common superficial concrete flaws—and which products are best for each repair.
Remodeling a bathroom can make a big difference for homeowners’ ease of use and home value. It costs between $14,000 and $50,000 to remodel a bathroom in Connecticut, with an average cost of $19,500.