How to Make Your Own Laundry Detergent
Homemade laundry soap is inexpensive, simple to make, and easier on the environment than most commercial detergents.
Homemade laundry soap is inexpensive, simple to make, and easier on the environment than most commercial detergents.
Remove every fingerprint, smudge, and streak from your display in just a few quick steps.
These four paint easy removal methods prove successful in any DIY situation, leaving your plastic pristine.
Restore the deep, beautiful glow to bronze jewelry and home accents with these safe, chemical-free techniques—and learn how to keep it looking great.
These quick and clever cleaning techniques can banish hard water stains with a few special ingredients and almost no elbow grease.
Learn how frequently experts recommend cleaning your car, and what factors could make it necessary to wash it even more regularly.
It seems like a simple process—buy a machine and some ladders, advertise online, get jobs, get paid. But successfully starting a pressure- washing business requires a little more work ahead of time.
To keep your iron working well, you need to do more than just clean off the metal plate. Here, we’ll teach you how to clean the outside and inside of this essential home appliance.
You may have your allegiances to certain brands of cleaning products, but are they really getting the job done? If you have an especially tough cleaning problem to solve and the usual supplies just aren’t cutting it, maybe it’s time for a slightly more unconventional approach, one that involves grabbing a few items from the pantry or trying a wacky, off-the-wall cleaning trick. Ready for a little adventure? Here are 20 crazy cleaning tips that actually work.
Clean and restore stainless steel surfaces around the house with this safe, simple, economical formula.