20 Amazing Places You Aren’t Allowed to Visit

Helen Keller once said, “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen nor even touched, but just felt in the heart.” That’s necessarily the case now for many awe-inspiring locales around the world that have been rendered either wholly inaccessible or severely restricted to the public. Scroll through to see some of the most spectacular forbidden sites around the world. This may be the closest you’ll ever come to seeing them up close!

Home Alone: 10 Beautiful Homes in the Middle of Nowhere

A home is a retreat—a place to escape the outside world, to be alone, to recharge, to relax with friends. For some, one apartment among many in a building wedged into a sea of other buildings provides all the sanctuary they need. But for others, true escape means getting as far away as possible from the rest of the world, to a beautiful and remote residence in a stunning location—with nobody around for miles. Such retreats try very hard not to be found, but we’ve hunted down a few of them for your voyeuristic pleasure, searching high, low, and far to find a collection of lovely, unusual, and isolated homes that truly stand alone. (Just don’t go knocking on their doors.)