What Happens if You Remodel a Home Without a Permit?
It’s exciting to get started on a remodeling project, but failing to obtain the necessary permits can lead to trouble in the future.
It’s exciting to get started on a remodeling project, but failing to obtain the necessary permits can lead to trouble in the future.
You can safely defer these projects without compromising your home or reducing its value.
Make today the start of an eco-friendly lifestyle change. Try these 20 easy ideas you can do right now to be kinder to the planet.
From updating your home design to suit your needs to being more conscious about how you decorate, eco-friendly design options will drive trends in 2022.
Renovating your home the wrong way can actually decrease your home’s value, and send buyers fleeing.
Keep radioactive gas outside and protect yourself from radon-induced lung cancer with these mitigation techniques.
Homeowners hoping to spruce up their interiors, make exterior repairs, or embark upon a long-desired home addition may find themselves daunted and dismayed by the projected expense. It often seems that a home renovation or repair job ends up costing much more than anticipated, and the prospect of shelling out all that cash may cause some people to put off projects indefinitely. There are, however, numerous ways that the budget-conscious consumer can cut corners without compromising project quality or design vision. Here is a list of 10 common home upgrades that may be cheaper than you thought.
Basements are ideal for adding extra living space to a home. The cost to dig out a basement that needs to be deepened or expanded from an existing crawl space is about $60,000 to $150,000.
Take a trip to yesteryear by scrolling through a collection of homes that are frozen in time like living monuments to design trends of years past.
Yes, it’s possible to keep life moving forward and make progress on a home renovation project at the same time. Here’s how to do it.