Hello, my friend, hello again; today we come together to talk about 8 Quick Tips for Solving Winter Woes and hope the blog can help you.
Winter brings snowmen, sledding, and toasty evenings by the fire. It also brings a special set of maintenance issues that require a homeowner’s attention. Proper planning and preventive upkeep will help you deal with these worries efficiently, so you can spend more time sipping hot chocolate and reading books while you wait for spring to arrive.
Window Frost
Frost forms when your windows are exposed to moist air inside your home and cold air outside. It can be beautiful, but also damaging. Proper weatherization and the right balance of heat and humidity can go a long way toward minimizing window frost. If all else fails, and if you still have single-paned windows, you might want to replace them with double-paned.
Ice dams occur when a home’s heat rises and melts snow on the roof, which then refreezes in the unheated eaves. The water that backs up behind the ice dam can leak into your home and cause damage to both your interior and exterior. Ventilation and proper insulation are key to keeping ice dams at bay.
When snow piles up on your walkway then melts and refreezes, you’ve got a sheet of ice on your hands. Your best bet is to get the snow off the walk before it freezes, but once it does ice up, try a few of the many products designed to help you combat a slippery path.
When the big storm comes, you’ll want your snowblower to start up easily and operate properly. Perform an annual maintenance checklist before bad weather arrives so you won’t have to reach for Plan B—the snow shovel.
Beloved by children, hated by homeowners, icicles form when sunlight or another heat source causes rooftop snow to melt, which then refreezes at the edge of the roof. The problem is in your attic. If you properly seal, ventilate, and insulate, those charming but chancy icicles will never develop.
Related: Icicles—Charming or Chancy?
Freezing Pipes
When water freezes in the cold of winter, it expands. That means any water sitting in your pipes runs the risk of causing a fracture—or worse. Avoid disaster by properly winterizing outside and maintaining a safe temperature inside. And know where your water main shutoff is, just in case!
No one wants to wake up to a cold house on a winter morning. But if you do—and it’s cold not just because you turned your thermostat down—it’s likely you have a furnace problem. Before calling in a professional, run through a quick troubleshooting checklist to find out if the problem is an easy fix you can manage on your own.
A fragile tree can wreak havoc if it breaks under the burden of heavy snow. It could fall in your yard, across the drive, or even worse, on the house. Take preemptive action by performing a careful inspection of the trees on your property. If you see any of the telltale signs of weakness, call in a professional to help you head off a crisis.
Don’t blame basement window leaks on the amount of rain. Likewise, the problem probably isn’t due to the age or installation of your windows. The first things to are your gutters and window well drain. Here’s what to look out for.
For many people, the garage is a black hole. Rarely used belongings disappear into its dark depths, and homeowners completely forget about them—that is, until spring cleaning rolls around. Take control of your cluttered garage by purging these 12 items. You’ll barely notice their absence, and you may even free up enough space to park your car in there again!
When it comes to hiding valuables in your home, you don’t need a massive safe bolted to the floor in the bedroom—you just need to stay one step ahead of would-be thieves. All it takes is a little clever thinking. Read on for 11 wow-worthy stash spots and get some inspiration for updating your own around-the-home hiding place.
Home security systems may feel like an unnecessary expense, but they pay off when it comes to peace of mind and protection of your home and its residents.
Learning how to clean solar panels can improve the efficiency of solar energy systems and reduce home energy costs. Here are some easy steps for cleaning solar panels.