How to Aerate Your Lawn

Hello, my friend, hello again; today we come together to talk about How to Aerate Your Lawn and hope the blog can help you.

Aeration is a recommended way of keeping your lawn healthy by ensuring that air, moisture, and nutrients are able to reach the roots. Learn two methods for aerating your lawn.

It’s not easy maintaining a lush carpet of green grass. We only see the blades on the lawn surface, but the health of any planted grass depends on factors at play underground. Experts say the best time to aerate a lawn is during the growing seasons—spring and fall, generally. Aeration is a means of ensuring that air, moisture, and nutrients are able to reach the roots. There are two ways to tackle the job: The best technique largely depends on the size of your property, but both are discussed in detail below.

How to Aerate a Lawn - Spike

Plug Aeration

For homeowners with a generously sized lawn, the most suitable method of aerating is by means of a low-tech mechanical tool known as a plug aerator. Buy or rent one at your local home center (note that some models may need to be rigged up to your riding mower). As you push the aerator along (or tug it behind your mower), the tool rotates hollow steel spikes into the soil. Those spikes, in turn, pull cylinders of dirt from the soil, leaving small holes in the ground through which air, moisture, and nutrients can travel to the grass roots. Rather than raking and removing the soil plugs that the aerator leaves in its wake, leave them where they lie; eventually, foot traffic and rain will return those cores to the soil bed.

How to Aerate Your Lawn

Tried-and-True Advice

Got teenagers? Give them a hand aeration tool and let them get out all of their aggression on the lawn. It’s basically just stabbing spikes into the soil, so their inner conqueror can come out. Put on the Game of Thrones theme to set the mood. This method works well for adults, too.

Amber Guetebier, Contributing Writer

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