How To Get Rid of Hornets Safely and Effectively
Hello, my friend, hello again; today we come together to talk about How To Get Rid of Hornets Safely and Effectively and hope the blog can help you.
While they aren’t as aggressive as some other stinging insects, hornets are still the bane of many a warm-weather picnic or barbecue. These steps will help homeowners remove these unwanted guests.
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Hornets are a vital part of any garden ecosystem, but that doesn’t mean they are welcome buzzing around the patio or inside the home. Hornets are flying, stinging insects that are slightly larger than paper wasps or yellow jackets, and unlike bees, they can sting more than once. While a hornet sting is generally not dangerous (unless you’re stung many times or have an allergy), it is painful—hornets release more venom per sting than any other stinging insect.
These insects provide some benefits to the garden: They are carnivores and eat aphids, flies, and other insects that can damage plants. However, they are generally aggressive when they feel threatened and are particularly attracted to locations where sweet-scented food, drinks, and trash may linger—in other words, they love outdoor eating spaces. Taking steps to discourage the development of nests and killing or removing them when they take up residence too close to the home is the safest option.
Time required: 30 minutes, plus a recheck the next day
Difficulty: Beginner
Estimated cost: $5 to $20 for a can of hornet spray, and between $100 and $1,300 for professional nest removal
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