How To: Remove Carpet Glue
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Get stubborn carpet adhesive off your concrete subfloor with these simple methods to achieve the perfect surface for new flooring.
Ripping up old carpeting is no small task, but removing the glue used to secure it to the subfloor is a major job all on its own. Creating a clean, smooth surface is critical, however, if a new adhesive is to form a tight bond between the new flooring and the subfloor.
Pricey off-the-shelf products promise to make easy work of removing tough carpet glue from concrete, but chemical strippers emit toxic fumes while their eco-friendly counterparts can be so “green” that they’re ineffective. In the end, the manual method for removing carpet glue may be your best bet.
Before moving forward take note: Carpet adhesives manufactured in the 1980s or earlier may contain asbestos, a known carcinogen. If you suspect the adhesive on your floor could contain asbestos, do not attempt to remove it yourself; contact an asbestos abatement professional.
Project Summary
- Scrape away as much glue as you can, using a scraper, sparkling knife, 5-in-1 tool or razor.
- Use steam or boiling water to soften the stubborn glue that refuses to budge.
- Switch to a reciprocating saw outfitted with a scraper blade, if necessary.
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